Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The missing gas solenoid

Have you ever figured something out and know exactly what the problem is only to find you are wrong????
Well I figured out that my gas detector has a gas shut off solenoid and that must be why the fridge has a bad flame and the furnace does not light.  Sounded good but someone has already removed the solenoid so back to start again.
I removed the bed platform from the bedroom and now when we get to shampooing the carpet and seats we can clean all the carpet.

You can see where they added carpet where the old beds were.

And I spent some time looking for oil leaks around the bottom of the engine.  Boy the 460 is a large engine.

And I drilled a hole in the right front leveling jack mount, since the weld is broke and it is easy to bolt on.
So that's it for today.