Yesterday I was looking for lug nut covers and then I found the mother load of shinny things for trucks. If you search for truck chrome you will find they are all over. In fact I was within feet of one yesterday and didn't even know it. And look what I bought today.
And they had bins full of them in different shapes and sizes. So for $1.50 I got 5 new lug nut covers. Yea 30 cents a piece.
So look for the closest Truck Chrome shop and spend some time.
Would you believe I went looking for lug nut covers today. And I have been doing some wood work finishing. These are things I never even thought of doing with Wilbur. The lug nut covers are in pretty good shape, except for one that was rusty and two were missing. So I did a trip to my local RV parts place and they didn't have the right size and then I stopped by the local truck shop. They had plenty of covers but they were all 33 mm and that is too small for my freightliner chassis. And they had the ones with a naked lady, I think that's what were on them, I really didn't look to closely.
The other thing I was looking for was window knobs. Mine look like a dog chewed on them. And again I didn't find the tan ones used originally but find white or black ones. But they were cheaper that any other place I found them so I guess I could buy enough to replace all the knobs. There are 4 of them in the bedroom, 6 or so in the dining/kitchen front room.
When I had my '73 Bago delivered (towed home) when I bought it I worked on it plenty but always at my house.
In case you forgot the day Wilbur was delivered.
Now that I have the '89, there is no room for it. My garage has one RV and it isn't long enough for the '89 anyway. So now I have it parked at a storage place and I have to take things with me when I work on it. And my memory is not the sharpest tool in the box and so I need to make more than one trip to fix things. And some of you are saying welcome to my world since you have been doing this for awhile now.
Today I tried some lacquer thinner on the cabinet frames in hopes it would take the finish off and I could touch up the faded areas.
This might not make much difference when I put the doors on, but it would be nice if I could get the frames a little darker where it is faded. I still have a few things to try before I give up.
I saw this video today and think I will need one. A Crisco Candle.
Oh this might be more info than you want to know about Dawn dish washing detergent but here it goes. If you saw the picture of my cabinet refinishing
I wasn't satisfied with the results. They turned darker than I wanted. So after contacting Howard's, the co. that makes the restore-a-finish, they gave me some ideas on making them lighter. And the winner so far is using Dawn.
Take a look here for more info on cleaning with Dawn
I have used dawn to clean the wax and oil off of car parts. Don't wash you car with Dawn because it will take the wax off paint.
Keep watching to see how this turns out.
More ways to use Dawn
I lightened up the cover for the furnace at the floor below the storage under the cook top. But now I am working on the other 3 doors. Then I still want to darken the cabinet frames. It is a veneer thin plywood and it didn't take any color when I used the restore a finish that I used on the doors. I still have plenty of products to try and might need to sand some to get the faded finish to take some color.
One reason for the faded cabinets is the missing window shade on the opposite side of the coach. To much sun...............Here in the Northwest?????
I never put the top up on the Mustang because it is too cold. And in cold weather the top doesn't bend real good. So to keep the top in good shape I only put it up or down when the weather is warm enough. What is warm enough??? Above 50 would be nice.
My visit with Smokey today was productive. I looked over the shower skylight and decided on how I will attach the inside piece of the skylight. The inside seems dry so I think the roof is sealed up good. And if I add a piece of thin plywood in the roof I can screw the inside screws into that.
After looking at the cabinet doors I cleaned up below the kitchen sink I decided that they are a little darker than I like, so I brought one of them home and have tried some ways to lighten them. It would be best to work on them outside because the smell is kind of strong to work with inside the garage. I have a gas water heater in the garage.
Tomorrow is the flying day. Let's hope the weather warms up and dries up.
Yea you probably think this is about my Weight Watchers stuff but really my Mustang had a very low tire the other day. It is parked in the garage and would not be easy to change if it went all the way down but I was able to air it up. I saw the car leaning so that was the way I knew something was wrong. I took the car down to Les Schwab and the checked the tire and couldn't find anything wrong so they dismounted it and cleaned the wheel where is seals to the tire. They said sometimes corrosion causes a leak. Then again it could be the lack of use. Looking back on last year, 2012, I only drove it about 400 miles. I guess I will put the top up and drive it more.
The new foam mattresses have checked out good with some time laying on the floor. I am looking forward to breaking them in with a trip someplace. I guess I should stop by Smoky today and check out things.
I think i will go back the Mustang out and put the top up now.
Retired people often tell you there are no more days off or vacations once you retire, and I am beginning to understand that. When I have plans, and then I find out that I can't do something because people take the day off, I don't really want to understand it.
And why is it that some days my Blog has several people click on an ad and I get some money in my account. There is no big money, but more of a few cents a day.
My first foam mattress I bought and opened up last night is still expanding. Have you ever seen a self inflating rubber raft blow up? Well it's nothing like that. This morning it was fully expanded in most places but still filling out in others. I kind of want to spend a night on it, and if I piss my wife off I will find out sooner how it feels.
Today was the regular Sunday flying day for me. The weather was good enough and several of us turned out to fly and socialize. I did take more video from my plane, unless you are with the police or government, and then I don't know anything about flying radio controlled airplanes.
Then we took the big step of buying new mattresses for Smokey. We picked out some last Fall but when they couldn't get them before our first outing to Eugene we cancelled the order. But today Fred Meyer had a truckload sale on furniture and mattresses. We were able to get twin sized 10" memory foam mattresses on sale for $180.00 ea. Right now I am letting one breath. They come in a box where they are vacuum packed.
Since I couldn't find anything on the net about them and Freddies gives a 90 day return I guess we will give them a try.
So my dad wants to have a cell phone for emergency use and with an upcoming change in out cell phone plan I decided to try a prepaid plan. This plan lets you use any old Verizon phone and buy 100 minutes of time that lasts for 120 days for $10.00.
If you are interested it is Pageplus cell I did the whole port the old number from Sprint, set up the account, call the number that programs the phone with not much trouble at all and no calls to customer service at all. It worked neat.
And some still pictures from my RC camcorder video,
That's me in the middle and one empty chair where another guy was sitting.
And this is the missing guy picking up his broken plane.
No one is safe from being caught on a camera anymore. Take that finger out of your nose,lol.
The weather is getting warmer and we are thinking of heading out in one of the Bago's soon. So I spent some time today putting the kitchen cabinet doors back on.
You can see the outline of the doors on the face of the cabinets.
I know the cabinet doors are darker than I really wanted, but the frame of the cabinet was faded before I started. And I tried to darken them but the finish is better than what is on the doors. So the next step is to sand the wood a little and see if the stain will soak in.
It looks like we will be switching cell phone providers. I'm sure there are good providers but I haven't really found one that everyone loves. Sprint has been good to us for the past many years, probably 20 years or so, but at times I have had problems, and they are rated better than Verizon but not better coverage so it looks liike Verizon will be our new carrier.
And then comes the phones. After reading and looking at way to many phones, it came down to the insurance. Can you believe that after paying $11.00 a month they want you to pay $170 if you break the phone? So Apple has Applecare+ a one time $99 fee with $49 to fix or replace iPhone. So something to consider. And the iPhone 4 is free with a new contract.
Another thing is I might be on my daughters plan. Yea with the new job she gets a good discount on phone plans. After all these years on my plan I get to be a burden to my kids, well one of them anyway.
Now if my kids get a house with RV parking, and hook-ups I will have it made in the shade..........
You might have thought I did some modification to one of my Bagos, or even my Wagon, but this is my body update.
For those of you who know I am doing Weight Watchers (WW) might understand this post. Since I started 03/06/12 I have lost, maybe lost is not the right word since I usually look for something I have lost. So I am down to a weight I haven't seen for 25 years or so, and I like it.
The last 3 months I have not really been dropping the pounds and so I have been changing what I have been eating for breakfast and it has made all the difference.
Now that my daughter has one of those good paying jobs she is ready to get off the mom and dad phone plan and move up to a smart phone. It looks like Verizon will be the carrier and the iPhone will be the phone of choice. I wasn't sure about having an Apple phone but with the Apple care insurance it seems like the way to go.
And my dad has a phone on our plan. He only uses it a few times a year so we decided to use a prepaid phone with Page plus service.
They have a $10.00 100 minutes or 120 days which ever comes first plan. And we can use an old Verizon phone, port his number from Sprint and we are good to go.
100 Minutes Voice Card
100 Minutes Voice Card
$10 Card
This card will add 100 minutes to your account and extend your expiration date 120 days. Your balance will be credited in currency equal to the minutes listed on the card. Once your balance is added to your account it subject to the terms of service provided by Page Plus Cellular.
Need more minutes? Try 400 minutes for only $25.
Need a lot more minutes? Try 1,000 minutesfor only $50.
Qty Price :$ 10.00
And my son and his bride-to-be have iPhone's so they can teach me how to use them, if I need any help.
Today's Craigslist ad of the day.
This last weekend I had to attend a board of directors meeting at our timeshare resort in Newport, OR. And then the weather was so nice that we had to stay a few extra nights. And the weather was really nice until last night so we came home.
The latest news is that our daughter, yea the grown up one, has gotten a great job offer in Portland for a large hospital. She is so excited and we are so proud.
Now it's back to the usual retirement life. Very busy with the day to day job of fixing some stuff on the Bago and getting ready to head off since the weather is warming.
The cabinet refinish is moving right along and here are some pictures.
On the left you can see places the finish is worn off. The right one is the finished result.