I took the furnace to the shop where they hooked it up and found that the control board is dead. No spark or at least very little spark. A new board was plugged in and presto, plenty of spark. They hook up the gas and I have heat. All it needs is a Dinosaur board. But being cheap and I know you would not want me to spend $139.00 on a part I can buy for $90.00 I order one from a company called RV Parts Outlet. They are about 35 miles away and have internet and store sales but this time the dinosaur board and a new water pump are on special so I will pay some shipping to have the UPS man bring me stuff.
Then I started the bed platforms. At first I was looking for a queen bed MH but then thought twin beds might be good too, so when I bought Smokey I decided to give the twins a try.
We even went shopping for new mattress's and the twin size is half the size of the king so that means we will have a king bed in Smokey. The original beds were only 33" wide but a real twin will be 39" wide. And you know that 6" does make a difference.
More later this afternoon.
Well there seems to be a roof leak. We have had plenty of rain today and on my new bed platform I saw a few drops of water. I guess this should not be a surprise since the rain has been steady for most of the day. Well I started the engine and used the levelers to level out the MH. I will keep and eye on it and see how it goes.
I did order a roll of LED lights today. The plan is to install leds in some of the ceiling lights that have fluorescent lights going out. Check out these articles on what others have done.