Sunday, April 22, 2007

Comming home from the Coast outing

Today we came home from a couple of nights at the Coast. Wilbur ran great and no problems other than a couple of leaks in all the rain and wind. Above the windshield must have a leak and then the bathroom ceiling vent/escape hatch had drips. Friday was great weather but then Saturday about 4:30AM I heard the rain. Rain off and on Saturday turned into drier weather on Sunday. This was one of those relaxing trips to the Coast with thime to read and play cards with my wife. The empty nest stuff is great, er I mean I sure miss the kids.....thats in case they read this. Wilbur is unloaded and ready to put in the garage. I might have to wash him since all the rain and wet roads kind of make for a dirty outside. Now to try posting pictures.....