Saturday, September 7, 2013

I'm tired of tires

If you only knew how much time I have put into looking at tires for Smokey you might think I'm nuts.  OK you probably know that I like a good deal DUH so tires should be the same decision.   I looked and looked.   Talked and talked.  And decided if you have a cheap RV you can have cheap tires.  So I am getting a new set of Double Coin tires.   And getting them at my own place,  Les's place.  That's Les Schwab.  So if you try to find a really great tire plenty of people will help you with the best tire is XXX and then the next guy hates them.  So if I get bad tires I will let you know.  

And we picked some apples today.  Man is there a great crop this year.  All of them so you can just walk up and pick without a ladder.