Sunday July 27, 2008
With the new Honda power plant we head back to the coast. Before we get to the ocean we decide to call a campground that we found last year called Whalen Island. It is a Tillamook County Park and in a neat place. Sure enough they have open sites so we head there. Took a few walks and after supper it was again movie night. My favorite was showing, RV. Everytime I watch it is good fun.
Monday July 28, 2008
We decide to stay for another night here. Close to us is a very popular beach called Cape Kiwanda. People drive out on the beach and launch boats right into the ocean. They don't need no stinkin boat ramps. Then others think they can drive out on the sand and get stuck. now that is good entertainment too. The tow truck drivers even like it, lol. Ate at the Pellican Brew Pub and walked around the town untill we go back to the park for the night. We just had to watch more movies with the new Honda. Life is good again.. Anyone want to buy a kipor????
Cape Kiwanda
Tuesday July 29, 2008
Bath day and the Honda worked great. Heat and blow dryer and all. Drove back to Lincoln City but decided to head for home instead of spending the night. It's raining and Wilbur doesn't like to get wet.