Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Valentines camp out

Here is what you missed unless you were here.  We started at the Vancouver WA elks Friday.  The evening started with a very nice dinner followed by some loud band.  Sure we had dancing.   And some lucky people won some steaks that went down great once I got out my new BBQ on Sunday. 
After a very loud band we had a very loud night parked right next to I-205.  
So Saturday after shopping at the local mall we made the decision to travel North to the Kelso elks.  There is always great shopping to be done there.   And Sophie always has some coupons for macys. 
The weather was kind of wet Saturday night but since we had a not- so-peacefull night Friday it was early to bed Saturday. 
Sunday started off with sunshine.  All was good.  Shopping was great and the steaks, burgers and dogs went down good for lunch. 
After a couple of rigs headed home Sunday afternoon sophie and I headed for good old saint helens elks.  Always a quiet time there. And the world seems good when we hit the Top Notch thrift store.  
Monday we headed home with some more shopping along the way. 
Another great outing with good friends and fun times.