Thursday, May 30, 2013

New window operators

This past week we spent time in Bend, OR.  It was cold and windy and we found out that some of the windows do not close as good as they should.  We could feel some cold air blowing in.  I contacted who I thought made the windows and they said they would send out the new window operators (the gear box) that opens the bottom parts of the larger windows.  So thinking free was good I said send me 9 of them.  But today when they arrived they were not even close to working.
 My local RV parts place had what I needed.  Then it was hard to find new rivets the size I needed.  I tried Lowes and Ace hardware and even the fastenal co. but they didn't exist.  So plan B was to use screws and remove the inside window trim.  That sure didn't look good and then plan C came up with using roll pins to hold the operator in place and that was what I did.
The new one in place.

This is an old one before replacing it.

This is the bearing block on the opposite end of the operator.
I used a self drilling screw and one roll pin in the bottom left hole.

New one sent to me on the left.  If you need 9 of these let me know.

Only 2 roll pins hold this in place.