This was something I have never seen in our backyard before.
I think he was watching the small birds enjoying the sunflower seeds in the bird feeder, but couldn't figure out how he could get some. And after a while he was gone.
Now if a beaver shows up tomorrow I will think something is up with my kids. One graduated from the University of Oregon (ducks) and one from Oregon State University (beavers).
There was some work done on Smokey today. I even took the cushions from the back of the couch apart and my lovely bride washed and redid some of the stuffing. Everything is looking cleaner and things are filling the cabinets. It looks like we will be going someplace very soon. I have been checking out the cruise control. I have some new vacuum lines to put in and then repair the plastic fitting that I broke trying to get a hose off. I think someone used a gas line for a vacuum line. It was very hard to remove but when the plastic fitting broke it came right off, LOL.