The other day I was looking around the top of the engine wondering what I will ever do if this things breaks down. So I popped the dizzy (distributor) cap off and looked inside. Things looked good inside and I was surprised that it was not full of electronics. Maybe I could fix it if it broke. It doesn't look like there is a computer to this thing, just electronic ignition. And I think most of the control stuff is behind the front grill where it is easy to get to. So take a look at the top side of the power plant.
There are way to many hoses and wires here.
One job I want to do is to check the engine timing. This is even worse than checking the timing on Wilbur's 440. One guy I read about used a mirror to see the timing marks. Now that would be a trick but I am still working on a way to see the marks while the engine is running.
And I did think I broke my toy again, because when I first started it up after looking around at things it idled slower and had a miss. I changed the dizzy cap and now it runs fine. I think I might have not had all the plug wires connected good but I put a new cheap dizzy cap on and now have a spare.