Sunday the 22nd of July we drove from Fern Ridge to Florence, OR. At the Three Rivers Casino we set up home for a couple of nights. With the Wagon unhooked we drove around town checking out some boutiques. This town has a few we like to check on.
At the Casino we checked in and they said we could stay up to a week. And the senior day is Monday....Like I didn't already know that. They put $10..00 of FREE slot play on our new players club cards and said it we eat Supper Monday we can play FREE bingo at 6:30 so now we have to stay for that.
The bingo game didn't turn out good for us but we didn't loose anything either.
The $10.00 slot play gave Sophie and I some FREE playing and we walked away with over $17.00. Now that was good gaming.
Today is Tuesday and we made short time of a trip South to Pony Village
That is in Coos Bay or North bend, it's hard to figure out exactly which town is which.
I think Sophie is still in the Macy's store. She will probably spend the night there...........