Monday July 7, 2008
Today was a bad day, not the whole day, but after 4PM Wilbur had problems. Here we are, on the Oregon Coast doing what we enjoy and the starter acts up. We had just visited a couple of Casinos, bought some tickest to concerts, ate lunch watching the ocean, and after stopping at our favorite thrift store in Newport OR I start Wilbur up only to have the starter continue to run. The key was off, the engine was off but the starter was running. I get the tool box out and the wire off the battery in record time. Now what to do. I put the wire back on, try it again but have the same thing. I knew there was a NAPA close by so off I drive. Stop in front and jump out to pull the wire off the battery. I go inside to talk with the guys and think about what to do. Maybe just let Wilbur cool off, yea on the coast things were in the upper 60's.
As I think about what to do I remember the relay I changed last year so I put that on, no change. There was a lifetime warranty in Wilbur when I bought it so a free starter would be better. I call AAA thinking a tow home would be in order, but they checked it out and removed they power cable to the starter from the relay. One guy held it on the relay and pulled it off when I started Wilbur. All is good as long as I don't turn him off. So we head home. Arived home about 8:30PM and call Shucks. They have the starter so will wait till tommorrow.