Monday, August 27, 2012

Forks, WA 8/26-8/28/12

A very nice drive from Sequim along Lake Crescent to Forks. 
It's a bit crowded here at the forks Elks Lodge.

This tree was at the West end of Lake Crescent.

Rialto beach about 15 miles West of Forks.

The hole in the rock.


Sunday, August 26, 2012

Sequim, WA 8/24-8/25/12

We left Port Townsend and drove the 30 miles or so to Sequim (SKWIM) with no problems.  This is suppose to be the driest place in the Northwest and it looks kind of dry here.  We found some nice places to shop and walk around.  There is a trail from east of Sequim to Port townsend called the Discovery Trail.  It uses an old train bridge for part of the trail here.  We walked in that area and along the Dungeness Spit area.  Very good place to walk.
Look at all the rocks and shells to pick up.
And of course I needed to check out another '73 indian in port Angeles.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Port Townsend 8/21 - 8/23/12

Drove into the Port Townsend Elks from Bremerton.
Two cute things I found in Port Townsend.

Bremerton and Seattle, WA 8/18/12 - 8/21/12

Arrived at the Bremerton, WA Elks Lodge with Terry & Carolann and Jeff on our way from Shelton, WA Elks Lodge.
Checked out this Lodge with time on the patio.  Who would have known that they have a band with dancing here tonight????

The gum wall under Pikes Market. 

Leaving Seattle on the ferry.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Coos Bay and looking at a 27' Itasca and 27' Superchief

One thought I had was getting a longer Bago and since there were 2 of them for sale in Coos Bay I thought I would look.  Now I didn't take Wilbur to look at other Bagos and I don't want anyone to tell him about this.
We left Brookings and drove North on 101 with several foggy areas untill we came to the Mill Casino.  They have a large gravel/dirt parking lot with a nice view of the Bay but also along 101.  So it is not a quiet area and one night is enough.
Anyway here is what I looked at.

And then I really wanted to look at the 1988 Winnebago Superchief.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Florence Three Rivers Casino July 22nd and 23rd

Sunday the 22nd of July we drove from Fern Ridge to Florence, OR.  At the Three Rivers Casino we set up home for a couple of nights.  With the Wagon unhooked we drove around town checking out some boutiques.  This town has a few we like to check on.
At the Casino we checked in and they said we could stay up to a week.  And the senior day is Monday....Like I didn't already know that.  They put $10..00 of FREE slot play on our new players club cards and said it we eat Supper Monday we can play FREE bingo at 6:30 so now we have to stay for that.

The bingo game didn't turn out good for us but we didn't loose anything either.

That is in Coos Bay or North bend,  it's hard to figure out exactly which town is which.
I think Sophie is still in the Macy's store.  She will probably spend the night there...........

You know that I like FREE camping almost as much as FREE coffee and when you can get both that is camping.

So in Florence we could stay at the Elks Lodge, or Elks campground but for FREE we stay at the Casino.  They have a senior Lunch and supper buffet on Monday and if you have the Monday supper you can play some Bingo for FREE so guess what we did after supper Monday.  Yup we didn't win anything at bingo.

But they also gave us $10.00 of FREE slot play that Sophie and I ran that up to about $17.00 which we took with us.

And they are giving away a car in August.

The $10.00 slot play gave Sophie and I some FREE playing and we walked away with over $17.00.  Now that was good gaming.

Today is Tuesday and we made short time of a trip South to Pony Village

Heading back up North we stop again in Florence.